My Payroll Master: The best ever HR software in Kochi

Set Up Variable Upload

This video explains how to upload salary variables. Variable pay is the portion of compensation determined by employee performance like bonus, incentive or commission. Watch this video carefully to know how to enter data regarding salary variables.

How to Set Up Variable Upload In My Payroll Master

This video explains how to upload salary variables. Variable pay is the portion of compensation determined by employee performance like bonus, incentive or commission. Watch this video carefully to know how to enter data regarding salary variables.

Go to Payroll menu, click on Variable Upload. In this, we can upload data individually and in bulk.

To upload individually, click on New button -> First, choose employee. -> Select the month to upload variable -> Then choose Salary Head Item. Already created Salary Head Items will appear here -> Enter Amount then give Remarks

Next we are discussing how to upload variable in bulk

For this, first select Salary Head Item in the designated tab on the top centre

Then download the Excel file by clicking on the red download button. Excel will be downloaded on the basis of salary heads chosen. In the Excel file, User ID, Employee Company ID, Employee Name, Gross Salary, Monthly CTC all these data will come automatically -> Enter amount and give Remarks -> Once done, save the Excel page.

Before uploading the files, select the month to which the Excel file has to be uploaded. Then click the tab Upload File.

If you want to edit, select the item to be edited. Editing cannot be done if the payroll is already processed.

Before editing, you have to remove the payroll, using the Remove option. But you cannot use this option if the payroll is already processed.

Like this, you can upload variables individually or in bulk to the salary head needed. According to the variables done in salary head item, like addition and deduction, the variable will be added to the salary automatically.

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