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Set Up Bulk Policy Changes

Assigning policies such as shift policy, leave policy, holiday policy etc. is quite easy and can be done without any hassles in My Payroll Master.

How to Set Up Bulk Policy Changes In My Payroll Master

This video shows how to allocate created policies like the shift policy, leave policy, holiday policy, salary structure, notice period in bulk. To assign bulk policies:

► Go to Employee -> Click on Bulk Policy Changes. The created policies will appear

► To allocate shift policies in bulk, select the shifts the employees have to be assigned in bulk.

Now Non-allocated Employees and Employees in Selected Shift Policy will appear. Non-allocated employees means these employees are not allocated to any shift. Employees in selected shift policy means these employees are allocated to the selected shift policy.

In this we have the option to select employees by Name, Branch, Designation and Department

To assign employees, drag them to Employees in selected shift policy. You can also drag them back to Non-allocated employees.

► To select employees in bulk, click on the first employee -> Press shift -> Click on the last employee -> Drag and drop

Same way you may remove employees from the selected shift policy as well.

The same method can be used to allocate employees in Leave Policy, Holiday Policy, Employee Hierarchy, Salary Structure and Notice Period. In salary structure and notice period, we can allocate employees in bulk. But here we can reverse employees in bulk.

Next is Employee Hierarchy,

Employee Hierarchy Allocation means to fix an authority to the employee.

► Select the person under which the employee has to be allocated

► Now drag and drop the employee. Now these employees will come under the selected person.

If you are selecting the allocated employees, the authority person would come in non-allocated employees list.

Suppose an employee is allocated under an authority person. If another employee is allocated under the previously allocated employee, the authority person can see the work details of both these employees.

Like this, you may assign bulk policies to employees

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