My Payroll Master: The best ever HR software in Kochi

Attendance Upload

Marking attendance in My Payroll Master requires employees to enter their own attendance data. But sometimes, the employees would not be able to mark the attendance for various reasons. In such circumstances, the company may upload the attendance details of the employees. This video shows how

How to Set Up Attendance Upload In My Payroll Master

Marking attendance in My Payroll Master requires employees to enter their own attendance data. But sometimes, the employees would not be able to mark the attendance for various reasons. In such circumstances, the company may upload the attendance details of the employees. This video shows how

If employees couldn't mark attendance, the company can upload the attendance details of the employee.

To do this click on Attendance ->Click on Salary and Leave Heads ->Click on Upload Attendance. In this, we can upload attendance individually and in bulk -> For this, click New button. Here, we can upload employee day-wise attendance-> For this, select Employee Name -> When you select In date, Out date will come automatically -> Give In time and Out time -> Once done, click Save

This is how attendance data is uploaded individually

Next is how to upload Employees Attendance Data in bulk.

► To do this, select Month and Branch

►Shift allocated employee's name will come only in Attendance Upload.We have discussed how to allocate shift to employees in Bulk Policy Changes video.

► For this,download attendance. In this, Employee ID, Company Employee ID, Employee Name, Direction, Calendar and Colour Indication will come automatically.

►Before entering the data, please check Help tag. While uploading data, time format must be 24 hours

In employee attendance upload data, the colours indicate:

►Yellow: Weekly off

►Green : Present

►Blue: Holiday

►Dark Blue: Leave

► Orange: Leave applied

► Pista Green: Half Day Week Off

► Sky Blue: Not applicable.

Next is How to enter data

► Enter In time, Out time, Once done,save the file.

►To upload data, click on the green button corresponding to Upload File. • Now you can see uploaded data in the grid

►If you want to remove any of the uploaded data, select the data and click the Remove button

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