My Payroll Master: The best ever HR software in Kochi

Employee Expense

My Payroll Master’s Asset Management feature help companies clearly record data regarding asset allocation, which results in better management.

How to Set Up Asset Management In My Payroll Master

Data regarding company’s assets such as desktops, laptops, printers and tools allocated to the employees must be recorded accurately to have a clear idea about the assets allocated and who handle them. The employees need to be responsible about these assets and return them when leaving the organization. My Payroll Master’s Asset Management feature help companies clearly record data regarding asset allocation, which results in better management. In this video, we are discussing how to manage Assets.

For this, go to Loans & Assets -> Click on Asset management. This is where you may find the company asset details. Like Laptops, mobiles etc.

First we are discussing how to Create Assets. For this, click on Create button. In this, the tabs with red asterisks must be filled mandatorily. Select the Asset type

Add specification-> Model -> Asset name -> Brand -> Serial number -> Warranty -> Value

► Once done, click 'Save'. The details entered will appear in the grid

► You may edit the data by clicking on the corresponding asset

Expense applied by the employee can only be viewed in To Be Verified tab.Here you can see employee expense requests. This must be approved by the authority person.

► The Asset Details can be viewed by clicking on View Details

Here you can see the asset details that you have entered as well as the Asset History that showsEmployee Name, Allocated Date, Asset Status and Returned Date. There is also a Search tab to find a particular asset.

How to allocate a created asset to an employee?

►To do this, select the employee name

►An option will come to 'Allocate Asset'

► Click on 'Add New Asset to Employee'

►Select the asset type. Select name will come automatically

► Specify the type of transaction

► Enter the allocated date

► Specify asset condition

► Give Description

► Click Save

How to allocate created asset to an employee

Select the employee. Then an option will come for allocating assets -> Click on Add New Asset to Employee

How to edit existing data, Here we can edit allocated asset details

If the asset is returned, it is updated here. To do so, select Return from Transaction. Returned Date option will appear. Allocated date will be disabled. Select asset condition

If you enter 'Damaged but Working' or 'Not Working', an option will come automatically to enter damaged amount.We cannot allocate the returned 'Not Working' assets again.

Enter description-> Once done, click Save

Like this, we create and allocate asset

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