My Payroll Master: The best ever HR software in Kochi

Set Up Approve Payroll

Approving payroll data can be done with a few clicks on My Payroll Master. That makes the whole process easy for HR professionals and superior authorities. This video focuses on how to approve payroll.

How to Set Up Approve Payroll In My Payroll Master

This video focuses on how to approve payroll, For this, go to Payroll menu and click Approve Payroll

After checking whether the processed salary details are correct, you can approve payroll. That means, the next step after processing payroll is approving the processed data

Once approved, data cannot be removed or edited

To approve payroll, first select the branch and then month. You can approve payroll either individually or in bulk.

You can select the data of a particular employee from the Approve tab. Here, we can see the payroll details of the employee, including days present, days on leave etc. Data such as Loss of Pay, Monthly CTC, Monthly Amount, Gross Salary, Total Deductions, Net Salary, Last Month Salary, Calendar Days, Working Days etc. can also be seen.

If you want to view slip, you can click on the View Slip button

Here we can see the employee's salary details including heads of monthly earnings, heads for deductions, net pay etc.

To approve payroll individually, click on the check box and then click Approve. If you want to approve payroll in bulk, click on the topmost checkbox. Then click approve. By clicking approve button, this data will go to the Approved tab. So approve work is completed.

In the Approved tab, you can see approved payroll entries. Approved payroll entries cannot be removed or edited.

Final work of payroll is Approving payroll. That means, after approving payroll, we can take salary reports any time.

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