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Set Up Verify Attendance

In this video we will focus on Verify Attendance. The data given to verify in attendance is used for employee salary calculation and the main part of salary calculation is verifying attendance.Verify Attendance means in this, employee's attendance related details will be checked and verified every month. If you are doing payroll work, attendance verification is important.

How to Set Up Verify Attendance In My Payroll Master

In this video we will focus on Verify Attendance. The data given to verify in attendance is used for employee salary calculation and the main part of salary calculation is verifying attendance.Verify Attendance means in this, employee's attendance related details will be checked and verified every month. If you are doing payroll work, attendance verification is important.

To verify attendance, go to Attendance -> Click on Verify Attendance -> First select the branch, then month, then click on Process button -> Then choose Salary Head Item. Already created Salary Head Items will appear here

Next click Update Amendments. By clicking Update Amendments, all attendance data of the employees in the selected branch will be updated. If recorded employees' attendance and leave details are not appearing in the attendance register, it will be automatically updated if you click on Update Amendments. Then click Process button.

Here, we can see employee's recorded attendance details. If any column is blank in calendar, attendance will not get verified. Here, red colour showing column is blank. So, the employee's attendance data will not be verified.

In this, we can total present days, total leave and LOP count. The column showing in red colour is LOP. If you enter LOP, red colour column count also will come. Also we can see approved leaves here.

In Present column, employee's punch details will come.

► Here, Not Verified means in this data is not verified. Verified means in this, data showing will be verified from Not Verified tab.

► NA means Not Applicable. In Nikhil's case, joining date is on the 18th. So, before joining date will be shown as NA. In resignation case also, after the resignation's last approved date, it will be shown as NA. WO means Weekly Off.

► HO means holiday, P/P means full day present. Here, full green is showing. So, this employee is full-day present.

Here, Verify button is used to verify employees' attendance data in bulk. If calendar days are fully filled with data only, it will get verified in bulk.

►To fill the data, click Update button.

►Now we can see the Update Register. Here we can only see blank days.

►When you are selecting data from No Change and click Set button, all data will be automatically filled. You can select whichever data you want.

►Work from Home is equal to present. You can see the particular employee's applicable leave and leave balance in Update Register. If you want to update day-wise, you can select from the tab corresponding to the days. Once done, click Save button.

The leaves fixing from here will be automatically approved. That cannot be changed.It will be reduced from leave balance.

The employee’s updated data is now completely filled. We can verify individually and in bulk by clicking verify button.

►If you want to change any verified data, except leave, select a particular employee and click approve button.

►This employee data will move to Not Verified section.

►To erase the given data, click Update Amendment again.

►Then click process button. Here you can see leaves are not removed.

►Now the employee is verified.

If suppose, after verifying attendance, payroll has processed. In this case, attendance will not get removed. When removing this employee, a warning message will come, saying‘You cannot remove and process all approved payroll entry’. In this case, first remove the employee from payroll, then from here.

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