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Upload Leaves

Managing the employee leave data is quite simple using My Payroll Master. Check out the easy steps involved, demonstrated in this video

How to Set Up Uploading Leaves In My Payroll Master

In this video, we are focusing on how to upload leaves for employees. Leave means taking off on company working days like medical leave, personal leave etc. Here, employee cannot apply or request his or her leave. The company can upload that leave.

For this, go to Attendance -> Click on Upload Leaves

The leaves uploading here will be in approved status. That means, when uploading leave all attendance records will show leave on that day and automatically the leave count will decrease from employee's leaves.

To upload leave, click New button. In the pop-up form we can upload leave individually.

►First choose an employee. Enter leave type. When you are selecting leave type, leave balance will appear automatically as we have set in leave policy.

► Give Leave Start Date. Then enter Leave Start Session- Here you have two options, first half and second half. Then give Leave End Date

If you are taking leave continuously from 10th to 12th, enter the 10th in the Leave Start Date and enter 12th in the Leave End Date. Here, we have given End Session as Second Half.

The employee will be shown as on full day leave only if you have shown First Half and Second Half. If you give both as First Half, or as Second Half, it will show as half-day leave only.

► Then give Reason. • Once done, click Save button.

Next step is how to upload leave in bulk.

►For this, select month. Then select Branch All option or a particular branch

► Then click download button. In the Excel file, you may find Employee ID, Company Employee ID and Employee Name will come automatically.

►Before entering data, click the Help tab. Here, the short names created in Leave Heads will appear. In Leave Session, First Half is means 1 and Second Half is representing 2.

► Now we can upload leave. Only allocated leave will be shown here. Enter Leave Type then Enter Leave Start Date. Follow the given format finaly Enter Leave Start session, Enter Leave End Date and Leave End Session . Also give reason.

► Once done, save the file. To upload file, click the Upload file tab.

► Click on the green upload button. Now the uploaded data will be shown in the grid.

► To see data, click on the Details button. Leave Status will be shown as Approved or Cancelled etc.

Like this, admin can manage Employee Leave Details.

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