My Payroll Master: The best ever HR software in Kochi

Employee Expense

With My Payroll Master, storing, managing and retrieving data regarding the amount spent by employees for company-related purposes and paying them back are quite easy.

How to Set Up Employee Expense In My Payroll Master

With My Payroll Master, storing, managing and retrieving data regarding the amount spent by employees for company-related purposes and paying them back are quite easy. In this video, we are discussing about employee expenses.

For this, go to Loan & Assets -> Click on Employee Expenses

By entering Employee Expenses, the company pay back their employees who have spent their own money on business-related expenses. For example, travel expense, food expense of client meetings, etc.

Here have the option to view employee expense by choosing branch-wise, employee-wise, in To Be Verified and Verified tabs.

Expense applied by the employee can only be viewed in To Be Verified tab.Here you can see employee expense requests. This must be approved by the authority person.

If the authority person couldn't approve for any reason, admin can directly approve the employee's expense requests.

Here we are having three options— New, Remove and Manage Expense.

Remove button is to remove applied expense request -> Next is Manage Expense. This is the option to approve or reject applied expense request.

For this, select an employee and click on Manage Expense

Here we see the Expense request status applied.You can see applied employee's details and also the expense applied date, Expense amount, Expense type, Expense date, approved by, vendor or customer, Expense Purpose and Remarks.

►Next is Remarks by Approved Person. Here, admin can enter remarks.

►If employee has uploaded image you can see it by clicking on Show image.

►You can reject by clicking on the Reject button. If you want to approve, click on the Approve button

Next is New button. When you are entering employee expense details in New button, it will be automatically approved when you click on the Save button.

Choose employee, expense type, expense date, expense amount, and choose image -> You must also enter purpose, vendor and remarks -> Once done, click on the Save button -> To view the approved or rejected details, click Verified tab -> Data can be viewed by clicking on the tab Choose Expense Data

To see the approved and rejected details, select an employee and click Manage Expense.

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