My Payroll Master: The best ever HR software in Kochi

Set Up Employee Access

Set up an employee self-service access menu easily on my Payroll Master. Watch this video to know how.

How to Set Up Employee Access In My Payroll Master

This video explains the various features of the Employee Self-service platform incorporated in My Payroll Master HRM system. The focus is on Employee Access Menu and we are creating an Employee Self-service platform.

To work with employee access, go to Employee -> Click on Employee Access. Employee Access details will appear

► First is the User Name. Here, you can see the details of employees added

► Next is Company Code. Company Code is automatically generated according to the company name

► Next is User ID. User ID will be automatically generated. You can see User ID starting with Company Code

► Remember that Company Code is different from User ID. When you are logging in, you must use the User ID

► Next is Access Allowed. If it’s shown as N, it means the employee access is not yet allowed. If an employee has access, it will be shown as Y

► Next is e-mail. E-mail id is mandatory. Without e-mail id, employee access will not be completed. The password created for the employee will be sent to this email id

► Next is phone. The data we added in the Add Employee section appears here User Name, email and phone number

► Next is Reset Login Flag. Here, Reset Login Flag is showing as N. If it's showing Y, it means the employee's password is reset by the admin

Next, let;s see how to provide access to an employee

For this, first select an employee -> Then click on Edit button. Here, all the details will come automatically -> If the email id is not given in the Add Employee form, you may give it here

► Next is Password Reset. To enter password, click on the corresponding box. Add password in the tab that appears.

Next is Locked

             ► If it's showing as NO, the employee can't log in to their self-service portal. But if it's showing as YES, the employee can access the                   self-service portal with their login id and password.

             ► If the employee enters wrong password, it will automatically be locked

             ► If it is locked, it will be automatically shown as YES. To change this, select the employee and change it to YES

Next is Mobile Access Allowed

► If the employee needs access in mobile phone, give YES. Otherwise, NO

Next is Punch Type. Here we are setting the attendance marking way.

► First option is Mobile from Anywhere. This means the employee can mark their attendance from anywhere using their mobile.

► Next option is Machine. If you are choosing Machine, the employee's attendance will be marked on biometric device.

► Next is mobile from Office Only. If you are choosing this option, you have to set latitude and longitude of this employee's branch. The employee can mark his attendance within a radius of only 100 metres around the office.

► Next is Web. The employee can mark the attendance only in Web

When you are choosing Mobile from Anywhere and Mobile from Office Only, Mobile Access Allowed must be Yes.

► Next is tracking access. If the tracking access is allowed, the employee will be tracked from check in to check out. Once you are done, click the Save button

► If the employee wants to change the password given by the admin, there is an option to reset the password when logging in.

Now, employee self-service access is complete.

Next is Reset mobile device.This means, for example, if you have already logged in one mobile and if you lose that device, and when you try to log in from other phone, a warning message will come as You are not applicable for multiple login.

To give access in other mobiles, click on Reset Mobile Devices -> Upon clicking, a pop-up with a question 'Do you want to remove the selected item' will appear -> If you press OK, it will be logged out from existing device. Here you have to option to search using User ID or name

If you want to view more than 10 employees, you have to options to increase.

The employee access can only be done by Admin.

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