My Payroll Master: The best ever HR software in Kochi

Set Up Add Employee

Watch this video to know how to add a new employee to the My Payroll Master HRM system

How to Set Up Add Employee In My Payroll Master

The option to add employees to My Payroll Master HRM software is so easy. You have the option to add employee either individually or in bulk. This video explains the simple steps involved in the process.

For this, go to Employee -> Click onAdd Employee.In this, we can add employees individually and in bulk

Let’s first discuss how to add employees individually

For this go to New button -> First enter the personal details -> Enter all mandatory parts marked with red asterisks -> Enter the first name, middle name, last name, gender, city, address, phone number,Aadhaar number, PAN number, bank details etc -> Here, the least age limit set is 18 from the current date. If you add 19, it will not show here

Next, add Employee Company Information

► If the employee has a Company Employee ID, add here. Otherwise, it will be automatically generated.

► Add other information including designation, notice period, department, grade etc.

► If you have entered all the information, click Save and Next

The Employee ID will be shown in the top panel of the box

Next is Employee configuration

Information related to Shift Policy, Leave Policy and Holiday Policy can be selected here from the drop down options in each tab.

Next is adding a superior.

►If an employee has a superior, the information can be entered in the concerned tab. Then the employee will be under this superior. That means the superior will be having complete authority over the employee.

Next is allocating Salary Policy

► To allocate Salary Policy, give salary.Here we are entering annual salary. When you enter the amount, monthly salary will come automatically -> Then enter Salary Policy -> If done, click Save & Next

Next is Qualifications

► To add information, click on the green button on the left side.

► In the small window that will appear, add information like course, university/college, duration, marksgained

► Once done, click Save. If you have to remove something, click on the red button.

Next is work experience

Click on the blue button -> Add details like company name, designation, department etc -> Once done, click Save -> If the action is complete, click Save & Next -> If you want to remove, you may click on the red button for the same

Next enter Family Details

► For this, click on the blue button for adding information enter the name, relationship, date of birth. Once you enter date of birth, age will come automatically.

► Enter the blood group.Enter gender,nationality, enter contact number, alternate number etc.

► Once you are done, click the Save button

► If you want to mark a particular family member as your nominee, you may click on the designated button.

► You can mark the same member as Emergency Contact also

► You may also mark different persons as Nominee and Emergency Contact.

► If you want to add more family members, click on the blue button demarcated for the same. Once you are done with this, click Save & Next

The next is Documents and Renewal

For this, click on the add button -> Add Document Name, Document Type, Document Number, Relationship, Validity dates, Gender, Nationality etc -> Choose the file by browsing -> Upload the file -> Give reminder before the validity expires -> If you want to get reminder you may choose Recurring as Yes -> Once you are done, click the Save button -> Once all the details are filled, click Save and Close

Next we are discussing how to add employees in bulk

► For that, click the Download button in red

► You can download the Excel file for entering Employee Details from here

► In this file, you may enter branch-wise employee details

► You may add the employee details of only one branch in this Excel file

► Add Name, date, Address, Aadhaar number, joining date, designation code and department code. All these are mandatory parts

► If these columns are not filled, Excel file will not get uploaded. If you want to choose the correct format, go to Help tag and choose from here

► First give the first name, middle name, gender, address, city, state, pincode, mobilenumber, email id, marital status, education, date of birth (same format as in the help tag),PANnumber, PF number, ESI number, UAN number etc.

► If the employee has company ID, add here. Or it will automatically generate

► Add joining date, employee type etc

► Next is Designation Code. This should be the same as given in the help tag. Otherwise it will not be uploaded

► Add Department Code. Once done, save the Excel file

► Select the branch from the drop down menu of the tab Branch

► The added employees will be added to this branch

► To upload the file, click on Click Here to browse file. Then click on the green button to upload the file. Now the employees have been added successfully. In the Branch tab, you may view branch-wise data

Next is Promotion, which means promoting an employee according to their performance.

► The information entered will be shown in the History Table

► Under Change Configuration, the current configuration will be shown in the left side. On the right side, you have the option to enter changes

► Next is Enter the Changes. Add new Employee Type, Branch, Department, Shift Policy, Annual Gross Salary. Approve and Remarks taps are mandatory. When the information added is saved, it will be sent to the person who must approve the same. You can also find filter option here

► If you want to view the employee list, you may find the option at bottom left side

► Here you also have an option to Edit. Select an employee. Click on the Edit button. You also have the option to Remove the employee

► If you want to see Resigned Employees in the list, click on Include Resigned. You may see the resigned employees in different colour indication. You can store employee details in this form.

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